Peer Review Process

The authors are encouraged to provide their ORCID and Ethical Committee Approval of Research (if applicable) while uploading the manuscript file. The authors may upload two documents (1) Title Page (with full name, contact details of all authors), and (2) blinded manuscript (no identification details of any of the author). Plagiarism report of the submitted manuscript may be submitted later after an initial screening of the manuscript by the editors. (The Editorial Office will also process the manuscripts for similarity index.)

Submission Guideline and Evaluation Process

1. The manuscripts submitted to the journal should not be previously published in any journal or should not be sent for publication elsewhere. However, papers presented but not published in any scientific meeting can be uploaded by providing the name, place, and date of the meeting on the title page.

2. Manuscripts must be anonymized while being uploaded to the manuscript submission system.

3. Anonymized manuscripts should be submitted as Microsoft Word and titled "Main Text". Each paper must contain an abstract of 150-200 words with up to 5 keywords. A separate title page should be provided which, apart from the Main Text File, should also include full names of all the authors, their affiliations, ORCIDs, e-mail and postal addresses. The manuscripts must follow the rules of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (seventh edition). For information APA style visit PURDUE OWL.

4. All processes about the manuscripts sent to the journal are conducted online and authors can follow every step and contact the editor from the manuscript submission system.

5. Submitted manuscripts are first checked with regard to suitability with the journal editing template, plagiarism in the pre-screening phase. Manuscripts not found formatted as per Journal Template would be returned back with the request to format them appropriately.

6. Manuscript found suitable in accordance with the aims and scope of Education@ETMA is sent to the Editor-in-Chief (E-i-C) and reviewed according to the publication policy of the journal. If it is approved by the E-i-C, it is sent to the Section editor. If not, it is rejected by the editor with editorial review comments.

7. The manuscript approved by the editor is sent to at least two referees who are expert in the field-related in order to review by taking into consideration the aim, scope, significance and the criteria of publication policy of the journal. This process works as a double-blind peer review.

8. The referees evaluate the manuscript according to the “Referee Assessment Form”.

9. If both reviewers, whom the manuscripts were sent to, accept the manuscript, it is put in production stage to be published with the confirmation of section editor. If both reviewers reject the manuscript, it is not published. If one of the reviewers has a different opinion, the manuscript is sent to a third referee. It is decided on the acceptance or rejection of publication according to the third referee’s opinion.

10. Based on reports of the reviewers, a decision is taken if there is no need for any revision (Acceptance), publishing after revision on points stated in the referee report (Acceptance), re-peer checking after revision on points stated in the referee report (Revision) or rejecting the manuscript to publish (Rejection). The decision taken according to referees’ reports is announced to the author or authors as soon as possible.

11. In the event of the reviewers’ demand for further revision, the author is supposed to send the final manuscript by completing the revisions in a month at the latest. The authors need to submit a document with two columns format have reviewers comments in the left column and how these have been addressed in the right column. The editor sends back the manuscript to the author unless the corrections are made in the stated time.

12. Author(s) are responsible for all ideas and scientific ethics in the articles. Education@ETMA cannot be held responsible about the views, ideas and comments etc. by the authors.

13. No copyright or royalty payment is made to the author(s) of the accepted manuscripts.

14. The editor of the journal ultimately decides on whether an article is published or not.

15. DOI number would be assigned to all accepted manuscripts.

16. All articles published in this journal are available for free online access to readers. There is no complimentary print copy of the journal volume.

17. There is not any article process charge (APC) or any fee in any phase of the publication process in Education@ETMA Journal. It is totally free of charge for authors and readers.